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Showing posts with label Top Fishes and there food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top Fishes and there food. Show all posts

Thursday 15 December 2011

Types of Fishes and there Foods


This is the most common type of fish food that is fed to most pet fish. Flake fish food usually comes in a small container with a removable lid. The flakes are dry, and are designed to float on the top of a fishtank after being sprinkled in the water. Because of this, flake fish food formulas are best suited for fish species that prefer to feed on the top of the water. With a bit of research, you will be able to figure out if your fish are top-dwellers, mid-water dwellers or bottom feeders. However, many bottom-dwelling fish will still be able to eat flaked fish food after it settles on the bottom of the tank. Flaked fish food is baked at high temperatures, in order to remove moisture and to give it a much longer shelf life.



Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet.  Unlike most animals' jaws, both the sharks' upper and lower jaws move.
A shark bites with it's lower jaw first and then its upper.  It tosses its head back and forth to tear loose a piece of meat which it swallows whole.

Each type of shark has a different shaped tooth depending on their diet (the shark in the photo is a great white -- you can tell he's a carnivore just by looking at those sharp, pointy teeth!).  
A shark may grow and use over 20,000 teeth in its lifetime!

shark teeth


Normally, sharks eat alone.  But sometimes one feeding shark attracts others.  They swim up as quickly as possible and all begin to try to get a piece of the prey.  They bite wildly at anything that gets in their way -- even each other.

The great white shark rarely partakes in feeding frenzies.


One of the reasons that sharks are such successful predators is that they have such super senses.

Two-thirds of a shark's brain is dedicated to its keenest sense -- smell.

Some sharks have eyes similar to a cat.  A mirror-like layer in their eyes allows them to see better in the water.  This allows the shark to hunt in clear seas or murky water.

To top it off, sharks have a few unusual senses.  For instance, they are able to feel vibrations in the water using a line of canals that go from its head to its tail.  Called a "lateral line", these canals are filled with water and contain sensory cells with hairs growing out of them.  These hairs move when the water vibrates and alerts the shark to potential prey.  

Sharks also have a sensory organ called the "ampullae of Lorenzini" which they use to "feel" the electrical field coming from its prey.

Sucker Fish, also known as Remora are fishes which are about thirty centimetres long when fully grown. These fishes are capable of swimming but are generally found attached to sharks, turtles, dolphins, and even to ships. The first dorsal fin is modified into a suction apparatus; its rays become divided into two halves and are modified into transverse plates which are surrounded by a membranous fringe. Erection of the plates after the fish joins its host creates a vacuum which enables the fish to remain attached. The sucker fish cannot be dislodged until it wishes to get detached. 

Oscar Fish

Oscar Fish Are Popular

Oscar fish are popular mainly due to their beautiful appearance and vivid personality. Oscar fish are like a real pet, they can recognize their owners and they have personality. It seems hard to believe a tropical fish can have personality, but ask any Oscar fish owner and they will confirm this unusual fact!

Oscar care requirements

Oscar fish are a good choice because they are very hardy, easy to keep and long lived, up to 16 years however, they do have a few specific requirements and this is due only to their large full grown size. Baby Oscars are tiny and cute but unbeknownst to most fish keepers, they grow very large, over a foot long, 12 inches and their rate of growth is extremely quick. It has been reported that Oscar fish grow up to 1 inch per month while they are young! With that said, never purchase these little fish and put them into a small aquarium thinking you'll upgrade the tank size "down the road".
